Christmas Wishes for Children in Western North Carolina

If you wish to purchase a specific gift please, mail it to the foundation by December 11, 2024. (foundation address)
Fill out this form for monatary donations.
Please share this with Family, Friends, Co-workers and Businesses.

Your Donation is Tax Deductible
If your employer supports matching donations, please let us know this in the comments section below

 Christmas Gift For
 please identify age group
 and/or sex
 example 5 yr girl
First Name: Required.
Last Name: Required.
Address: Required.
City Required.
State/Province Select State or Province   Zipcode Required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Phone Number Required.Invalid format.  
Email Address A value is required.Invalid format.
Would you like to Receive
A Monthly/Bi-Monthly Email
From the Foundation?
Yes No

  Credit Card Billing
  Address the Same?

  (Check Box) If The Same
Credit Card Information
  First Name        Required.  Last Name   Required.
  Billing Address:  Required.
  City                   Required.
  State/Province   Select State or Province    Zipcode   Required.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.
Credit Card Type
Credit Card Number Required.Invalid format.  (Without Spaces or dashes)
CVC Number A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.  (on back 3 digit code)
Credit Card Expiration Month Select Expiration Month.A value is required.    Credit Card Expiration Year   Select Expiration Year
Donation Amount   $

By Clicking the "Submit my donation" you are allowing
The America's 911 Foundation, Inc. to charge your Credit Card.

An Email comfirmation of this transaction will be sent.

The List:

# of Children Age Gender

03 - 6mos-1yr
03 - 1yr boys
06 - 1yr girls
08 - 2yr boys
10 - 2yr girls
11 - 3yr boys
08 - 3yr girls
12 - 4yr boys - (one of the boys is bedridden)
10 - 4yr girls
09 - 5yr boys
08 - 5yr girls
08 - 6yr boys
08 - 6yr girls
05 - 7yr boys
04 - 7yr girls
30 - 8-9yr boys
20 - 8-9yr girls
28 - 10-12yr boys
19 - 10-12yr girls
20 - 13-14yr boys
10 - 13-14yr girls
13 - 15-16yr boys
09 - 15-16yr girls